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Sunday 01.21.2024-27.jpg



  • Welcome! We can't wait to meet you!

    Look for the bright red signs in our front parking lot for first time guest, and stop by the tent up front. One of our kids ministry volunteers would love to greet you, help you check in your kids for the first time, and walk you to their classrooms.

  • At check-in, you will receive a parent pick up tag with a code. These tags must be shown at pick up to receive your child back after kids ministry. Please either wear or keep your sticker visible at pick-up. They will be checked and then matched with your child’s name tag upon pick-up.

  • You're welcome to drop off your kids 20 minutes before service starts (8:40 AM & 10: 40 AM). 

  • If we need to reach parents during the service, we text them with the cell phone number on file. Please keep your phones with you during the service.

  • Activity Bags

    Activity bags are available at the main entrances of the worship center to help occupy children who choose to attend service with their parents. 

    Sensory Calming Room

    If you have a child who needs to step out of service for sensory reasons, we have a special room set aside  with a livestream view for parents and sensory toys and activities for the child. 

    Nursing Mother's Room

    This room is set aside with couches, a baby changing station, and a livestream feed for mothers with infants to nurse or care for their little one while still listening to service.

  • Yes! These are just a few big events we have for kids and families throughout the year: 

    Parent-Child Dedication

    Spring & Fall

    Parent/Child Dedication is designed to equip, bless, and celebrate parents as they stand before the church body dedicating themselves to raising their children in God’s Word and love.

    Daddy Daughter Dance


    This is a special night for dads and daughters of all ages to come and making lasting memories with food, games, dancing, and a firework show! 

    Vacation Bible School (VBS)


    This is an opportunity for children to refresh themselves in the Lord and grow closer to Him through a fun and engaging exploration of God's truth and spiritual growth through Bible stories, chapel, worship, crafts, games and snacks!

First Time? Welcome!

We exist to cultivate young hearts to say YES to JESUS and follow Him in every area of their lives. Our heart is to provide a safe, creative, and fun biblical environment for children to have encounters with Jesus. We aim to engage children in interactive, age-appropriate Biblical truths that will reveal God's love for them and lead every child to a relationship with Jesus and others.

Fill out the "Plan a Visit" form to let us know your coming and speed up your check-in process on Sunday morning!


Patti Mack

Kids Ministry Admin

Zulie Garcia-Alvidrez

Kids Ministry Director

Meet Our Team


Formerly MOPS

MOMCo. International encourages and equips moms of children of all ages to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with Great Oaks Fellowship.

One by One

Mentoring and educating pregnant and new moms to parent well so children thrive. Find or become a mentor at Great Oaks Fellowship.


Serve with Kids


6 Months - Kindergarten classrooms are in the main building.


Parents can check them in at either the Elementary or main Kids Check-in stations.

6 Months - Kindergarten

4th through 5th grade classrooms are also in the Portable (back parking lot).

These elementary students join our congregation (after check in) for worship at the beginning of service before returning to their classroom.


They can check in at the Elementary Check-in stations

4th - 5th Grade

1st through 3rd grade classrooms are in the Portable (back parking lot) with a separate Elementary Check-in area, but parents are welcome to check them in at any Check-in station.

1st - 3rd Grade

Great Oaks Kids Inclusion Ministry says yes to Jesus through supporting, equipping, and encouraging families of children with special needs to live a full life in Jesus.  

Contact our Kids Pastor to build a plan that is best for your child integrating with our kids ministry.

Inclusion Ministry
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